Breaking News
Page: 46
Wednesday, we take on Big Oil With Antony C. Sutton
It is time once again to touch and go beyond that third rail and speak on how we save America from the enemy from within.
Watch Today’s Program On YouTube Watch Today’s Program On Bitchute Listen To Today’s Program On Mixcloud ARM Ombudsman documented video/photo evidence of crimes by the AZ AF against ARM POWs. The same terroristic signature was witnessed in April 2016 when ARM SVCMN Sloyan was beheaded & elderly residents were tortured & slaughtered in their […]
A must watch video by Logos War Views: 64
Monday’s Program
Watch Today’s Program On YouTube Watch Today’s Program On Bitchute Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Today we will look at the so called agreements between Armenia and Azerbaijan on the Cease Fire and if it is a true cease fire. Also, what is this Fletcher School that Artsakh is sending their political leaders to? […]
Next Monday, We Talk About The Update In Terrorism Around The World.
Thursday, we will come out hard against Wall Street and their funding of Adolph Hitler and their taking part in Nazi activities which committed Crimes Against Humanity
On Wednesday, we will uncover the truth about Christendom College
On Thursday, We Introduce You To Dr. Antony Sutton and his amazing array of books that should be read by everyone.