Breaking News
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Wednesday, we will have a follow up to our big hit show The Red Pilled Truth On A Biblical Scale We will name even more names and expose more information Stay Tuned [asp_product id=”478″] Views: 17
Friday, September 18th 2020, we look at the entire Bush Story no one talks about.
Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV By Clicking Here Watch Today’s Second Video: The Deep State Behind All Liberal Companies Americas Secret Establishment An Introduction to Skull and Bones Antony Sutton This book, we will talk more about on November 11th, 2020 It was just recently pulled off of the Internet Archives as I was looking […]
Tune in Monday for our Terrorism Update and big breaking news from around the world.
Armenia needs help now that Turkey is sending their “Syrian Mercs” to join the fight with Azerbaijan and it is time to form a Subsidiary in Armenia to help them defend their land and renew that old alliance between the West and East!
Next Monday we have a lot to cover about more terrorism and vandalism around the world.
The KBI, FBI, ATF and other state and local agencies responded to the scene in rural Logan County. You should avoid the area while the investigation is ongoing and units work to “secure and render the explosives safe:” — KWCH Eyewitness News (@KWCH12) July 14, 2020 More At The KFDI Website On It […]