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Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs SUPPORT The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser SUPPORT The Immediate Equipment Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Watch On BitChute In this program, we will speak on MK Ultra and the use of reverse psychology and how it works & how the Lodges via […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Join The Immediate Studio Equipment Fundraiser In this program, we speak of the leadership of the Traditionalist Movement, who have pacified and bluntly saying it, neutered the faithful who want the Latin Mass, who want to be proper Catholics and join […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Join The Immediate Studio Equipment Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee This Program will be an observation of what is going on with the Internet.  If you do online podcasting or online radio, stats of listeners and […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Join The OMC Radio TV Immediate Equipment Fundraiser   We will be speaking about the groups that are called Catholic & not 1 of them has a Catholic as moderator.  We will be focusing on Roman Catholic and Roman Catholic (Angus […]

Tuesday, December 19th 2023 Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Gift Immediate Studio Equipment Fundraiser Watch Live On Rumble Here On December 19th 2023  Six months ago, we did a program, How True Is The Movie The Matrix? and we went through some items seen in the […]

Please Watch and Share All Our Programs Join The Ordo Militaris Radio TV Studio Fundraiser   Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee In this program, we will go into the real history of Pope Francis and show who he is and how he took part in the Argentina Dirty War, had priests […]

Odysee Hour Thursday: 8:40 AM or 9:40 AM Eastern Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Join The Immediate Studio Equipment Fundraiser Watch It Live Here In our show on the Importance Of Chastity, at the 25 minute mark where Br. Alexis said children shouldn’t have cell phones, YouTube erased that video […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Click To Watch On Gab Archbishop John Ireland hated ethnic parishes and Americanized the parishes in the United States.  We covered him and Archbishop Gibbons in great detail in our program exposing those […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join In The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee If we are going to understand the problems we’ve gotten ourselves into today, we must go back to the source of the man who helped to brain wash all of us […]

WATCH and SHARE Please Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee In this program, thanks to Mr. Williams, we will hear the whole story of how Opus Dei got so powerful and how much John Paul II had to pay to help Opus Dei get their prelature.  Then we […]