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After a long delay and watching what is happening, we are back to give a report and how correct we were in founding Catholic Party For America.

In This Program, we go into history and look at everything going and why those World Leaders turned Dictators are saying the exact same thing as Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.       Exposed Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders Society Of Saint Pius X Otto von Habsburg Corbett Report […]

Most Of The Bishops and Priests Of The Catholic and Orthodox Churches Are Showing Their True Colors and Who They Serve, The Antichrist.  Today, we talk about it on Ordo Militaris Radio TV       Watch The Programs Of St. Hildegard Von Bingen On The Antichrist Read The Holy and Righteous John of Kronstadt […]

In a change up, we did a program discussing what we can look ahead to in this new year and look back on everything     This book, 990 Pages, Hard Cover, $59.00 Is A Must Image comes from Pixabay  Click To Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV Views: 47

Please Like and Share This Excellent Documentary and Also Subscribe! “Goosechase” is the observational documentary of three monks living in a solitary Monastery north of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Tucked away in the rolling hills beside the LeHave River, the Monks of the Hermitage of the Annunciation spend their days praying, working, and studying. This is […]

By Saint Gregory Thaumatourgos  Brethren, we behold now a great and wondrous mystery. Shepherds with cries of joy come forth as messengers to the sons of mankind, not on their hilly pastures with their flocks conversing and not in the field with their sheep frolicking, but rather in the city of David Bethlehem spiritual songs […]

The craziness of 1964 and 1965, how the change of the Doctrine Of The Holy Eucharist changed, how every time we go into our parish, mostly no one recognizes or believes the Eucharist is Our Lord and the sanctuary is turned into a meeting hall.

You will learn a lot of things from this Orthodox Saint that is very Catholic and has been proven true; regarding the Liturgy and has the same message of Fatima and Saint Hildegard Von Bingen, you will love it.

    This Program You Are About To Watch Proves How Important This Book Is 990 Pages: Hard Cover: $59.00 And How Important Our Programs Are Exposing The CIA Vatican II Council   Republished From: FromRome.Info PLEASE SEE EDITOR’S NOTE BELOW “Biblical Signs of the End of the World”, a talk by Fr. John O’Connor […]

We introduced you to the first man who gave the world The Spirit Of Vatican Two, Now We Will Tell You Who Got It To Be Spread and Used and Believed.