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We return to Sutton’s work and exposing Wall Street and Their Crimes Against Humanity
Tomorrow, we talk about Transforming America Into A Christian Republic
Thursday, we will come out hard against Wall Street and their funding of Adolph Hitler and their taking part in Nazi activities which committed Crimes Against Humanity
Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV By Clicking Here Watch Today’s Second Video: The Deep State Behind All Liberal Companies Americas Secret Establishment An Introduction to Skull and Bones Antony Sutton This book, we will talk more about on November 11th, 2020 It was just recently pulled off of the Internet Archives as I was looking […]
Need Help Locating English Copies Of These Works By Admiral Kolchak and his son.
On Saturday, I want to cover this and just talk about it. So sick and tired of the same type of candidates and same everything that goes on in the Swamp either locally, State or Federal.