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We take you to Milan where Terror came to the Cathedral, we learn about Hezbollah, how France is losing it’s identity, a black man executes 5 Year old Cannon Hinnant who was riding his bike, and Soros Attacks Poland.

Next Wednesday, August 26th, We will look at the dangers of Ideologue People and how they are also a danger to themselves.

Instead of doing the Show Tomorrow on King Richard I The Lionheart and On Friday my Editorial, We will cover what leads up to the Miracle Of The Vistula River.

Please Listen or Watch Today’s Show to learn about what is behind these social media trolls.

Today, We Commemorate The 100th Anniversary Of The Miracle On The Vistula River, Please Watch or Listen To Today’s Program and Please Share Them.

Next Monday we have a lot to cover about more terrorism and vandalism around the world.

Learn about the Far Left Marxist Group In The UK

Watch Today’s Show Listen To Today’s Show, which was banned by Mixcloud upon uploading. Watch On Bitchute Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood “Just-Discovered Letter Shows Margaret Sanger Was Part of Euthanasia Society” “Exclusive – D’Souza: The Hitler-Sanger Connection” “The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics” “Eugenics in America: The Legacy of Sanger and Gates” […]

We will learn how Stalin using his agents, including Bella Dodd, to infiltrate the Catholic Church.

I wanted to give you an update on what happened in Saint Louis Missouri, and one young brave priest, Fr. Stephen Shumacher, stood alone before my uncle’s statue and told the mob the Life Of St. King Louis IX.  Read more at Gateway Pundit. Listen To The Show Tomorrow Morning, 7:40 AM To 9:40 AM, […]