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Masonic Infiltration Into The Church

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Watch The Video Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee   Movie Real Life Read About The World’s First Artificial Womb In the movie, it was said there was a man behind AI when it was created, turns out to be correct Artificial Intelligence Neuralink by Elon Musk and approved by the FDA for human testing, […]

Please See Episode 1: How To Recognize The Antichrist Watch The Original   Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee In Episode 2, we will talk about the modern age, the rise of paganism again and the Masonic Lodge has setup society for the coming of the Antichrist & we will quote from Fr. Miceli’s book […]

We will take up and talk about how dangerous it is for when priests go off and do their own thing with the Liturgy, when they rush through it & how dangerous this is spiritually for him and those of us in the pews. Please Watch Our Previous Program: The Dangers Of Bad Translations In […]

Monday, We Will Talk About What Is Happening In The Republic Of Artsakh Watch This 20 Minute Documentary   Today is Day 138 of the siege of #NagornoKarabakh/#Artsakh.#saveKarabakh #ArtsakhBlockade https://t.co/4r4JHWmh09 — Christian Solidarity International (CSI) (@CSI_humanrights) April 28, 2023 On April 23, Azerbaijan installed a checkpoint with troops at the entrance to the Lachin (Berdzor) […]

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On YouTube Watch On Odysee People loved our program that we did for Catholic Party For America, where we covered the poor translation about Pilate & how the Masons used it for their evil plans, now we will look at the dangers of bad translations within the Sacred […]

Watch The Original Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Watch On Bitchute   Our great Benefactor of the Order, told us about this new Cult down in Alabama. Meet Caritas Of Birmingham. The Troubling History of Caritas of Birmingham Complete Investigative History Of Caritas Birmingham See The Gold     Views: 4824

Ever Since 1946 and the Doctrinal Warfare Program was created and signed for in 1953, Catholics have been brainwashed & their minds taken over with a number of Masonic Lies which totally re-orientate their views on life, politics and morality. We will discuss these errors and show how it has turned Catholics guinea pigs for […]

  To Join Ordo Militaris Catholicus As A Lay Member Click Donate If You Are A Military Vet Click To Sign Up If You Are An Investor For A First Time or A Pro Click To Invest If You Want To Franchise With Us Click To Franchise   Editor’s Note By Br. Alexis: One of […]

Br. Alexis might of misspoke about the POWs, they aren’t Azeri, but Armenian. Forgive him, we had a lot to remember in our program and returned to our first type of show we ever did, so we are getting back into the grove of reporting on the news.   Watch The Original   Watch On […]

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee   In today’s program, we will talk about how to handle all sorts of sufferings and talk about how to carry our cross and follow Our Blessed Lord, this Holy Week Season. The Passion Of Christ By St. Bridget Of Sweden St. Alphonsus Liguori’s Stations Of […]