MK Ultra
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We take you to Milan where Terror came to the Cathedral, we learn about Hezbollah, how France is losing it’s identity, a black man executes 5 Year old Cannon Hinnant who was riding his bike, and Soros Attacks Poland.
Next Wednesday, August 26th, We will look at the dangers of Ideologue People and how they are also a danger to themselves.
On Friday, we go through the History Of Islamic Terrorism
Time for an investigation show, learn what is going on with this Traditionalist Movement inside the Church, why they are so nasty and why they seem so superior over ordinary Catholics.
Watch Today’s Show Listen To Today’s Show, which was banned by Mixcloud upon uploading. Watch On Bitchute Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood “Just-Discovered Letter Shows Margaret Sanger Was Part of Euthanasia Society” “Exclusive – D’Souza: The Hitler-Sanger Connection” “The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics” “Eugenics in America: The Legacy of Sanger and Gates” […]
We knew somethings about inflitration by the Communists under Stallin after World War Two and Possible Infiltration by the CIA, but to have it confirmed the CIA did inflitrate the Church, but that clergy turned spies for the Nazi Regime is bone chilling. Tune in Next Saturday to learn more.
Listen Today’s Show Watch Today’s Show On Tuesday, we will cover what actually is authentic Christian Manhood, it has nothing to do with smoking a pipe, smoking a cigar, drinking scotch or bourbon, dressing like you are in the 1950s or looking buff or chiseled. What is true Christian Masculinity? When did the Age Of […]
Who is Black Lives Matter, who is their co-founder Patrisse Cullors and what did she put into the Black Lives Matter Protest and why their manifesto rules are already broken by destroying black owned or ran businesses in the riots. Most of all, why aren’t they protesting the number 1 killer of Black Americans, Planned Parenthood?
What is MK ULTRA? A real mind control program by the CIA that is still going on. Two Videos You Must Watch, Caution, very explicit content, not made for children. First One: Out Of Shadows The Second One, The Minds Of Men; this one goes with Out Of Shadows, but focuses totally on the program MK […]