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Learn about Saint Casimir and why he is a perfect Saint for this new cause to defend our churches.

Next Tuesday, we will look at what is Ordo Militaris Catholicus in the first hour and the second, What is Real Christian Courtship and the problems with the modern marriage preparation courses.

Learn about the brave and forgotten Catholic Warriors Of France during the French Revolution, and the genocide of them and their martyrdom. It is time to give them a voice once again.

Listen Today’s Show Watch Today’s Show On Tuesday, we will cover what actually is authentic Christian Manhood, it has nothing to do with smoking a pipe, smoking a cigar, drinking scotch or bourbon, dressing like you are in the 1950s or looking buff or chiseled. What is true Christian Masculinity?  When did the Age Of […]

In today’s show, we cover the fast breaking news on Holy Father Pope Benedict, any more updates about the Regensburg Trip and his quick trip back to the Vatican. Then we go through and search about the truth of who was the real King Arthur.

My dear viewers and soon to be listeners, I urge you if you can, get to St. Louis Missouri This Saturday June 27th at 12 Noon Central, to save the statute of My 42nd Great Uncle! I am unable to drive due to being homebound, my spirit and prayers go with you all who can. […]

Listen To The Show This will be a sequel to our program The Left’s Connection To Terrorism  and The Dangers and Destructiveness Of Revolutions There was a group on Twitter calling itself a Christian Party and wanting to follow the model of the GOP and Democrat Party, and they reached out to me because of […]

I want to do this show and share about King Hugh of Capet, the dynasty, reforms he supported, what is monarchy, people’s obsession with Louis Bourbon and other questions that might come up.