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Operation Gladio

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Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On YouTube Watch On Odysee By Clicking The Photo We will go through how Michael’s brother Marshall is connected to MK Ultra How is Marshall Born In Two Different Places Or, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Greene County, Ohio, USA during the Government Psyop Of UFOs. His mother, Anne […]

Michael Matt’s Great Grandfather who then became Lutheran and then converted to Catholicism. Do Catholics Really Worship the Virgin Mary? Marshall has admitted he is jewish too. While @PartyCatholic was founded by a descendant of John Quincy Adams and a relative of Martha Washington, who is a Catholic by birth, 2 years ago. Marshall ignored […]

Episode Two On Real Catholicism Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee   This is a masonic attempt to exploit Christian achievements of the past, mix in a glorification of certain aspects of corruption in colonialism, weld it to a neo-fascist racism, to support the Alt-Right infiltration of Western Youth, while staying within […]

Please See Br. Alexis’ Amazing Article: The CIA PLAN FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CHURCH, JUNE 29, 1953 A. D.   We will discuss Chapter 3 and Chapter 33 In Volume One Of The 2nd Edition, Where This Is Put Together   Click To Read The May 5 1953 Document, Which Was Scheduled To Be […]