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Radio Line Up

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  In this program, we will discuss how our Ukrainian Non-Profit would like to setup a military hospital to help the Christian Soldiers defending Ukraine who need medical help and help in recovery. Click the images at the top or bottom to make a donation.   wounded soldiers in hospital photo: license to use image: […]

In this program, we will push our Stock Offering and help you understand that when you invest, you help us be able to get land to invest in and create our PMC base to help train recruits who will then go and defend Christians around the world, legally and lawfully.     Views: 25

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Watch On YouTube Image By Carlos Delgado and License To Use Image Is CC By SA 3.0ES Deed Views: 32

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser With Br. Alexis, next week, we will discuss what the European Federalists are wanting to do to the European Union and what will it mean if all nations of Europe lose their sovereignty? Click Image To Read The News About It […]

Monday, December 18th 2023 Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Please Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser In this program, we will read from the writings of our Catholic Founding Father, Charles Carroll of Carrollton and how his committee went about setting up our true Christian form of Government and how some states […]

Please WATCH and SHARE all our programs Please JOIN The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser In this show we will speak on how so many complain on Twitter or in their videos or say it will ruffle feathers, so we will take them to task and do what Blessed Urban II would do to them, […]

July 28th Feast Day Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Please JOIN The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Who was Vladimir The Great? Why did Vladimir the Great choose Christianity? Holy Great Prince Vladimir (Basil in Baptism), Equal of the Apostles, and Enlightener of Rus’   Views: 18

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser In this program, I want to show how different it was in the past compared to how it is in the future, when there were sexual deviants and predators in the Vatican and how it was cleaned out and restored, compared […]

This Show Will Be Sometime After November 18 to let me read my cousin, John Quincy Adams’ memoirs Please Watch and Share All Our Programs Join In The Studio Fundraiser For Ordo Militaris Radio TV In this program, Br. Alexis will take us to Quincy and I hope we can do a show right outside […]

Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser We will tell you what membership pledges do for the Order and why we need you to join up! Join Ordo Militaris Catholicus   Views: 18