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Catechetical Programs

Goosechase: 3 Days Of Observation At The Annunciation Hermitage

In this 45 Minute Beautiful Documentary Movie, You Will Learn About The Russian Orthodox Hermitage & Also Learn How To Live and Pray; Especially If You Are Home-bound.

Discourse On The Nativity Of Christ

This is one of the best Christmas Homilies you will ever read, it is by St. Gregory Thaumaturgus or his short name, St. Gregory The Miracle Worker

The Holy and Righteous John Of Kronstadt Vision Of 1901

This vision goes with what St. Hildegard Von Bingen.  In this vision, it is spot on to what would come about; the changes and destruction of the Liturgy, the martyrdom of the Tsar and his family and spot on with Hildegard Von Bingen on the Antichrist.

The Apostles Of The Rocky Mountains Part One and Part Two

In these two programs, you will learn of a true Jesuit and Holy Priest, who brought the Catholic Faith to the numerous Native American Tribes Across The Rocky Mountains.

Servant Of God Father Leo Heinrichs OFM Martyr

Another Saint Of The Rocky Mountains and of Denver Colorado, was murdered during Holy Mass while giving Holy Communion at the Communion Rail.

The Antichrists Within

We will take up Chapter 9 of Fr. Vincent Miceli’s book, The Antichrists within, it deals with what we are facing within the Church and we will see what type of fight we have on our hands.

What Does The Church Teach About The End Of Days?

Here, you will hear from the Fathers and Doctors Of The Church on what is taught.

Catholics Need To Have A Strong Devotion To St. Michael The Archangel

We will talk on the very first learning about Saint Michael and the Apparitions of him.  Then, we will speak on some things that might seem crazy to many, even to many Catholics who have forgotten the Supernatural side of our Faith and no longer believe in the Devil and why we Catholics must have a devotion to Saint Michael to protect us.

Father Miceli and The Antichrist

Through his introduction and first chapter of his book, I hope this will set a fire within you to go on Holy Crusade against the Devil and as Father Miceli put it, “against his Commander and Chief, the Antichrist.”

On The Queenship Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

You will hear some of the most beautiful writings by the Fathers and Doctors Of The Church On Our Lady’s Queenship

What Is Real Christian Manhood?

We cover what actually is authentic Christian Manhood, it has nothing to do with smoking a pipe, smoking a cigar, drinking scotch or bourbon, dressing like you are in the 1950s or looking buff or chiseled.

What Is Real Christian Courtship?

We go through the problems with the modern marriage preparation courses

Real Christian Leadership

We will take a look at what is real Christian Leadership and why we need it today.

What Is Real Christian Activism?

Main Question To Be Asked and Looked At, What Does It Mean Faith Requires Action and Action Requires Faith?

Who Is Saint Bonaventure? 

This was a live stream from St. Bonaventure’s home town and learn who this Saint and Doctor of the Church is.

What Are Real Penances?

We need to do this show, because many Catholics, even many clergy do not know what true penance is and so this show we will cover this with Br. Alexis Bungolo

Our Lady Of Fatima and Our Lady Of Akita, How Are They Connected?

We go through both Approved Marian Apparitions and Then How They Are Connected.

Saint Hildegard Von Bingen and The Prophecies Of The Future

We Do Another Program On Saint Hildegard Von Bingen’s Prophecies and Share More Of What Our Lord Told Saint Hildegard about what will happen in the Future.

Understanding The Theopany Of Divine Love Part One

As we finished up about the End Of Time, now we read about the Beginning Of Time and how and why things came into being & why God created things as He did.

Continuation On The Theopany Of Divine Love

As we finished up about the End Of Time, now we read about the Beginning Of Time and how and why things came into being & why God created things as He did.

The Conclusion On The Theopany Of Divine Love

As we finished up about the End Of Time, now we read about the Beginning Of Time and how and why things came into being & why God created things as He did.

Exposing The Antichrist Part One

We will begin to talk about how the heretics and apostates & others will start to rise, then we will begin to speak on how he will be born.

Exposing The Antichrist Part Two

Now, we begin to see and hear the doctrine of the Antichrist himself, even his own words; however Our Blessed Lord allowed this Doctor Of The Church & Saint to see and witness this.  We must know these dark things in order to bring them out to the light and be not afraid when it will happen & learn how to defend against it.

Exposing The Antichrist Part Three

In this episode, we will hear Our Lord talk to His Father, in Episode 2, we heard directly from God The Father, now we will hear God The Son talk to God The Father and then hear about Enoch and Elias being killed and few other things.



In the video above, Fagan traces the history of the Illuminati backed by the Rothschilds to the plan for the enslavement of all humanity in the service of Satan. It is a confirmation of his warning, that Mario Draghi, the Prime Minister of Italy, is himself a member of the Illuminati and former VP of Goldman Sachs, of New York City.

The above recording it taken from a record recorded in 1967-1968.  At the above link at Wikipedia you can also find links to the FBI files gathered against Myron by the Illuminati in the US Govt.

Exposing The Rothschild Family

Here we go through their history and how they control things in America, including Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, everything.

Investigations Into The Deep State

Our Ability To Begin and To Understand The Deep State Is All Because Of Dr. Antony Sutton and his work exposing everything from the Skull and Bones Lodge, how they slowly grew in power and began to take over our country and spreading to create branches along side Cecil Rhodes and Rothschild to do a 1 World Domination.

What Does Black Lives Matter Believe?

We look into the Black Marxist Terrorist Organization called Black Lives Matter and Go Through Their Own Manifesto

Investigations Into The Masonic Control Of The Catholic Church

In these programs you will learn more behind the scenes of the Church and the big and powerful people who run the show and how evil they are and how they literally took control of the Church from the time of World War Two, when the Allies “liberated” Italy.

Bishops and Priests Showing They Serve The Antichrist

In this program we go through everything that led up to the World Tyranny being put on us around the world since Klaus Schwab and the Masons began the Great Reset in 2020, especially how the clergy of both the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church went with them and shut down our churches, stopped the Sacraments and we go into more crazy updates some are doing.

Who Is Behind The Covid 19 Tyranny?

In This Program, we go into history and look at everything going and why those World Leaders turned Dictators are saying the exact same thing as Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.

Lee James Rigby, Murdered or Assassinated By Terrorists or MI5?

MI5 drew first blood in hacking our video on Bitchute yesterday, so we fire right back at them on Drummer Lee James Rigby and strange things about his death that do not add up.

How The Deep State Controls The United States Congress?

In those 17 programs exposing the Deep State, this will be even more nuclear against the Deep State and it will shake them to their core.  It is public record and record of fired FBI Agents who turned Whistle Blowers who were told to remain silent and never speak again.

Why is there so much corruption within the Halls Of Congress and why does it never get cleaned up?

What does the CIA, Afghan Heroin and Congress have to do with this?  Everything.  We will blow the lid off this and share what we know.

Again, all Public Information comes from this 20 Page Report by Professor Peter Dale Scott
Deep Events and the CIA’s Global Drug Connection

The CIA and The Death Of JFK

We all know our only Catholic President was no altar boy, he served with valor and bravery in saving his crew of PT-109 in the Pacific Theater in World War Two with a broken back; which would never properly heal.  Then the rumors of him cheating on Jackie, the First Lady.  But, I hope and pray the day before or day of that fateful November Morning that he went to Confession and received the Sacraments.

His murder has asked so many questions and we all know the official record points to one Lee Harvey Oswald and we are told to believe it or as the CIA coined the term during the investigation, “conspiracy theory” to stop anyone from looking for the truth.

I have found, in our programs with Operation Gladio and everything going on with the Vatican and the CIA, plus everything going on with Skull and Bones, and how JFK was about to clean house of the CIA before he was killed, same reason we believe John Paul I was killed, because he learned of the CIA/Vatican Bank Scandal and was about to stop it.

We will hopefully begin to give our Catholic President Justice in this program and open your eyes.

CIA Drugs and Arkansas 

On Friday, we are back on the grindstone and exposing the CIA in the small Western Arkansas Town Of Mena and how it is connected to Bill Clinton, Oliver North and others.

Exposing The Scamdemic As A Diabolical Plot Against Humanity

This program we went deep into the rabbit hole and found some scary stuff, including the history of the Georgia Guide Stones and why are they protected by the FBI and not local county sheriff office.

How The Supreme Court Is Controlled Opposition?

We went through each Justice, each Clerk and found amazing stuff.

Is Parler A Deep State Operation?

We exposed the new people behind Parler and it is shocking.

The Religion Of Donald Trump

Is Trump a Christian? Short Answer is no.  What is he then? Well, he is a disciple of a self help positive thinking guru, learn more about it in this program.

Bill Gates and The Total Dehumanization Of Women

We talk on how Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is behind the Total Dehumanization Of Women by a microchip that can be activated wirelessly either by the person or by someone else at a press of a button.

The Dangers Behind Parler

These same people behind Gettr is also behind Parler, who are also connected to George Soros, watch and see what they want him to do.

The Oxford Conspiracy Against America

I will read from John Quincy Adams’ Diary

While America was still free and under the Articles Of Confederations, the States were in control, in 1784 George Hammond and his counter parts in Britain grumbled about this, in 1787 the Masons have taken control of America giving us the problems we have today.

In 1794, George Hammond now diplomat to the United States, while in Britain, sits down with John Quincy Adams & somewhat says their plans; which Cecil Rhodes & his secret organization will do in 1891, to take back America into British Empire. In 1796 Rothschilds take over the UK

The Pilgrim Society: The Plan For World Domination 

We go through their history and how they literally started wars for the beginning of what is now The Great Reset

The Oxford Conspiracy Against America

Where we introduce you to the Grandfather Of This Whole Deep State, Secret Society Thing Going On, But what really got things in motion was the Father Of This, A Lecturer From Oxford, John Ruskin.

In 2010 The Rockefeller Foundation Planned The Covid Take Over

Laura Ingram broke amazing news

The Dangers Of Group Think and How Did It Start?

What is “Group Think”? how did it start? In this program we go through it and try to figure it out.

The Problems With Modern Seminaries

We will cover the problems with the modern seminaries and I have stuff to share about what I experienced when I thought I had a possible vocation as a priest.

Faithful? or Traditional?

We dive into the history of certain French Clerics who started the Traditionalism Movement, which was condemned at Vatican I

What Is Behind The Social Media Trolls?

We have dealt with them and ran into them, but what is behind these trolls and why do they act so vicious and who is behind them in their attacks on certain accounts or organizations?

The Dangers Of Ideologues

There are so many who call themselves “Catholic” but at the core, they truly are not and not willing to do the most non-comfortable thing to rid from the Bride Of Christ the cancer we have now in the Church, evil sex abuse pervert clergy.  They will all gang up and say we need a big one removed, Theodore Mccarrick, but oh if it touches on a said Traditional Priestly Fraternity, forget it and die upon that hill with that same Fraternity who has been protecting sexual perverted evil men, at least one who is a Nazi Sympathizer.

We will learn why these people are dangerous, but also a danger to themselves.

Trump and New York Bankers

Here you will learn who controls Donald Trump in New York.

Architect Of The US War On The Catholic Church

This program, we learn everything about Edward P. Lilly and what he did to help the US Government Attack The Church.

What Are The Church’s Teaching On Converts?

Here, we look at big name converts, who did not follow the norm or rule by Saint Converts like St. Augustine or St. Paul, but was promoted to begin teaching & take the spot light off of Cradle Catholics to promoted converts.

The Funny Money Within The Church

We dug into some main “Catholic” Organizations that control Main Stream Catholic Media and followed the money and it was shocking where it led to and who it led to.

The Money That Flows From DC

The Main Organization that dishes out the cash, gives to Media Organizations connected to Trad Inc, and we connect the dots and dollar amounts.

Who Are The Rhode Scholars?

In this program, we discuss the history of Rhode Scholars and how they are connected to the Fulbright Scholar and what it means if someone receives one or both.

Who Is The Real King Charles III?

In this program, we dive into the life, globalist policies of soon to be next King Of England and the rightful heir to the throne, had some not so nice things to say to usurper.

Meet The New and Dangerous Prime Minister Of The United Kingdom 

We uncover the dangerous policies of the new Prime Minister, including the Social Credit Rating his father-in-law created for China, which I would not doubt, he would put into place in the UK.

Is The SSPX A Gladio Operation?

Here, we cover information I stumbled upon the other day about the father of the founder of the SSPX, that he was a MI5 Agent in World War I and World War II & how you can’t be a MI5 agent unless you are a high ranking Mason.

The CIA Attempted Assassination Of John Paul II and President Ronald Reagan

In this program, we go over both attempted assassination attempts & how they were both MKULTRA Murder Plots that failed.

Are The “Converts” By Fulton J. Sheen, Truly Converts?

In this investigative program, we cover the famous “converts” of Bishop Sheen, but all became agents of the U.S. Government, including Sheen while he was making converts.

60th Anniversary Of Vatican II: How Has The CIA Continued To Wreck The Church Since Vatican II

Here, we do a proper Anniversary Program On Vatican II, and how the CIA continues to harm the Church from the inside.

How Viktor Orban Spilled The Beans On The Rothschild Control Of Europe

Oh this was a popular program, since we just used Viktor Orban’s words and showed who each person was that he mentioned and how they connect to him.

What Is Wrong With The Jesuits?

We finally did a program on the Jesuits and tell the truth about them.

History Programs

The Dangers and Destructiveness Of Revolutions

In this program, we talked about how dangerous and destructive a Revolution truly is to society, to the family and to our Faith.

Who Is General George S. Patton Jr? and The Mysterious Death Of The General

In this program, we talk about who this amazing General was and something very near to my heart and that of my family; since it was my grandpa who worked on his car personally & made sure it was ready for his hunting trip the next morning and why do we think Patton was killed by the enemy.

Who Is George Soros and Why Is He So Powerful?

In this program we dive into the life of George Soros and what makes him tick and why he is so powerful.

Who Is Father Malachi Martin?

In this program we go into the life of this controversial priest and what he ended up doing with his life.

The History Of Policing In The English Speaking World

This video we go through the history of the Police in the English Speaking Word, the major changes it had and the awesome reform by August Vollmer that should of been implemented.

King Hugh Of Capet, Who Is He and What About His Dynasty?

In this video, we talk about my 45th Great Grandpa, bare with me, this is some of our early programs and getting used to being on video, first years only on radio. So we talk about him and his dynasty.

Who Is King Jon Sobieski III?

In this program we use his short but full of information autobiography to tell you who this great Polish King and Defender Of Christendom.

The History Of Islamic Terrorism

We look at the History Of Islamic Terrorism up to the First World War.

Modern History Of Islamic Terrorism

We will touch on what is considered “Modern History Of Islamic Terrorism” touching on the very first one, The Armenian Genocide.

Mary Queen Of Scots, Faithful Catholic Martyr

It is time to clear the name of Mary Queen Of Scots and how she was betrayed and how she should be declared a Martyr Of The Church.

The Real Story Of The War Of The Vendee

Their story needs told, I have been hearing they are canonized, but they aren’t, still black listed by the current Republican Government and still considered traitors, sure some have been declared Blessed by dying for the Faith, but until the black list is removed, nothing will be done and it is time to tell their story.

Who Is Margaret Sanger and Her Connection To The Nazi Party?

We go into the woman who created Planned Parenthood and how she taught the Nazis about Eugenics and everything she knew about killing certain people.

Communist Infiltration Of The Catholic Church

This program we look how it caused the Pedophile Problem and then we look at Bella Dod.

Who Is Major General George Washington?

Who Is Major General George Washington, Did He See Our Lady At Valley Forge and Did He Become Catholic?

Proof George Washington Was Not A Mason

Screenshot Of Documents Proving George Washington Was Not A Mason

Catholic Clergy Working As Nazi Spies

In this program we expose certain clergy who were spies.

Who Is Saint Stephen King Of Hungary?

We Learn About My Great Uncle and What He Did For The Christian World.

The Great Polish Dynasty: The Piasts!

We Go Through Some Of The Great Kings and Queens Of Poland, My Family & share what made Poland great in those days.

Who Is King Richard I The Lionheart?

We go through and tell the real life story of Richard The Lionheart, fix the fake narratives of him and the false stories of how he let the Jewish people be attacked in England, which is not true.  You will learn some great things.

The Great Christian Patriot Who Defended Russia From The Bolsheviks

You will meet a man to admire and who is a hero against Communism and lost it all and was even executed by the Communists,Admiral Alexander Kolchak!

Saint Brendan and The Discovery Of The New World

We will tell you of a Great Irish Saint long forgotten and overshadowed by the Great Bishop and Saint Patrick.  Saint Brendan is his name and will talk about his travels and where he went.

Truth Behind The Lincoln County War and Does Billy The Kid Deserve A Pardon?

We look into the Irish Mob that ruled New Mexico and look into the good people who tried to help Billy The Kid and we look into his life as well.

The Similarities Of The Soviet Union To Democratic Run Cities

We look into the Holodomor that the Soviet Union did and we started to see in the news Bread Lines in certain Democrat ran cities in America.

Senator Joseph McCarthy, A Catholic Crusader

He is still the most demonized person, because he dared to expose the deep state and everyone in Government and he was right.

The Life and Early Career Of General Robert E. Lee

We use the autobiography of his nephew and you learn amazing things about him.

How Southern Politics Changes A Young Doc Holliday

We will begin to tell the story of the life of the Hollidays and how the current Political Climate In Georgia Shaped The Young Doc Holiday To Be Who Came To Be and how through his Catholic relatives, he got introduced into Catholicism.

How The Civil War Transformed John Henry Holliday

We will go through his life where he would of been in Middle School Years through his medical school days, right before he leaves to go West. There will be a lot of information and it shows how the events of the war transformed him to who he was when he met Wyatt Earp.

The Lead Up To The Miracle On The Vistula

So much material about the lead up to this great battle, we must do several shows to cover it all and truly give a great representation of the 100th Anniversary of this miracle.

We will discuss how the Polish State was formed, General Jozef Pilsudski, how the Bolshevik Army was formed and how the Polish Army came to be.

The Miracle On The Vistula: 100th Anniversary

If you ever heard the phrase by Father John Corapi, “Our Lady Wears Combat Boots” well, she sure did here and helped the Polish Army Stopped The Invading Soviet Forces and we will hear all about it.

Doc Holliday Heads West

Again, we continue with the life of a Dentist and Gunfighter, Turned Lawman, who died a faithful Catholic.

In this episode, we learn about Doc Holliday as a Gunfighter heading west.

Robert E. Lee and The Start Of The Civil War

We learn of his military career before everything begins to go south and the Civil War begins.

The Start Of The Civil War

In this program we continue about Robert E. Lee and why he decided to join the Confederate Army and lead them, and it has nothing to do with slavery.

Remember Lepanto!

On October 7th 2020 will be the 449th Anniversary Of The Battle Of Lepanto and so we are pre-recording this show for that day, on Saturday.

The Real Saint Francis Preaching The Crusade

We tell you about the real Saint Francis and how he Preached The Crusades

Battle Of Khotyn and Polish Independence 

Here we talk about the battle that my ancestor; father of John III Sobieski took part in and then we also covered the Independence March.

The Hamidian Massacres

The last days of Lesser Armenia or the County Of Edessa Armenia will be told, it is forgotten history and being a direct descendant to the Count Of Edessa and King of Jerusalem, Baldwin I; we should tell this history.

How Marxism Got It’s Start In New York City

We all know that Karl Marx was an English Author and who gave the world Marxism and all the evil that came with it, but they do not know where and how it all got it start.

In our investigations on the death of JFK, we came across his speech to the Press and he mentions one Horace Greely, Editor of the New York Herald Tribune and one of his writers, Karl Marx.  We will tell you how Marxism got it start in New York City and not by the man you thought who started it with his book.

President Theodore Roosevelt: Greatest American President Ever

We are going to cover one of my favorite Americans ever, and I’d say, one of the best President’s ever.  Also, I will read you his short book called The Strenuous Life by Theodore Roosevelt.

Cow Towns and Pueblos

We have come to the portion of John Henry Doc Holliday’s life, that he meets his friend, Wyatt Earp and we will talk all about it and all about his time in Dodge City and some history of the town.

Political Programs

The Wisdom Of John Adams

We shared the thoughts and quotes of John Adams from October 30th 1735 to July 4th 1826.  It was amazing hearing these things from my great uncle and discussing them.

What Is True Christian Love Of Your Country?

Here we examine what does it mean to truly love your country and that you would do what is best for your country than doing more for a foreign country.

Tired Of The Mess In The Swamp

Here I talk about the article I wrote regarding everything that is wrong in our nation and how the evil doers are never punished here on earth and how I would go about in fixing these things.

Saint Brendan and The Discovery Of The New World

We will tell you of a Great Irish Saint long forgotten and overshadowed by the Great Bishop and Saint Patrick.  Saint Brendan is his name and will talk about his travels and where he went.

Forming A Catholic Political Party

It is time to do something even more, no more trusting in the Traditional Political Parties: Democrat, Republican or Independent.

We need a Catholic Political Party and so, this is how it begin. This show we will do to discuss it and get the interest started.

Our Patron Saints will be Saint Brendan and Saint Raphael.

Growing The Catholic Party For America

We will continue to talk on new policies and platform ideas and what is needed to grow the Christian Party Of America and how to make it a reality.

Making America Traditional and Humane Again!

We will be talking about the policies of reforming the FDA to bring back Artisan Cooking
Abolishing and Restarting Properly The VA System To Take Care Of Wounded American Veterans
Restoring True Christian Foreign Policy Back Into America
Restoring American Craftsmanship Jobs
Honoring The Cowboys who fed America Beef!
More On Education
Setting Up An Independent Audit System For The Pentagon
Setting Up An Independent Review Board For Cases That Didn’t Get True Justice
Breaking Up The Social Media and Search Engine Giants

The Ideas Of The Catholic Party For America Are Not New Ideas

What we are proposing is nothing new, but something even more complete than what the Presbyterians did in 1874; in trying to restore the Christian Faith back into the U.S. Constitution.

So, we will share from the book from 1874 and blow all you critics away.

Create The Christian Republic Of The West

In this program we discuss how to create a Christian Republic Of The West

How The Catholic Party For America Will Handle Covid-19

We talk on how to properly handle this better than any government leader, how to restore the jobs lost, then create party chapters in your area.

Restoring Kansas Through Catholic Party For America

Here I talk about what is going on in Kansas and how we need Catholic Party For America and how it would restore Kansas.

Taking Down The Deep State

I think it is time to discuss in Christian Politics in removing the enemy within this great nation that has killed over a 100 million either by their proxy of the USSR and all Communist Countries or Nazi Germany.

Taking Down The Handlers Of The Deep State

We will get to the show we were going to do on Tuesday.  How to take down all those evil banks and private investment firms that has committed numerous war crimes and treason against the United States and It’s People.

Restoring A Proper Education In America

It is time to remove the broken, corrupt, United States Secretary Of Education office.

The lack of proper education in the States shows this needs a total fix.  We at The Christian Party Of America will restore the Education that your grand parents or great grandparents may have received in a 1 room school house, far superior than what is being taught today!

John Adams Would Not Vote Democrat or Republican

I read about the real history behind the two party system by John Adams and how he would vote neither Republican or Democrat.

Join The Catholic Party For America

If you truly watch our shows and learn from them, you know that this current election and Presidential Candidates Are Controlled Opposition, Trump: Brown Brothers Harriman, Biden: JP Morgan.  Partners In Starting The Soviet Revolution and Selecting and Bringing To Power Adolf Hitler.

We are still brand new, not many have joined and few have left because they wanted to take over and control it, we will not let the enemy do that.  The Catholic Party For America, is something totally new and something the enemy already hates, we will restore America to how the Founders wanted this country to be.

How Will The Catholic Party For America Restore Law and Order

On Tuesday, we will tell you how we are totally different than the Hegelian Party the country is fighting over and how we will truly restore Law and Order and take care of gangs, homeland terrorist organizations.

The Second American Revolution

We talk about what is going on in America and how it is time we remember our history and go back to it and save our nation once again, to restore it back to how the Founding Fathers and Christian Patriots who fought, bled, froze to death to give us freedom.

Catholic Party Is The Solution and Salvation Of This Country

“These Are Times That Try Men’s Souls.” Thomas Paine

Many, good many of the people I have come across on Twitter, at least yesterday seem to be jumping ship from the Republican Party and seeing how weak and spineless they are.  There is a reason for it, because they do not love this country and do not love the Founding Fathers.

I saw fear in their words on Twitter on where to go, and I’m sure there are those of you off of Twitter, just like them and wondering.  It is time to re-light that Christian Spirit that our Christian Patriots Of The American Revolution had and Restore This Nation Back To God!

That is what the Catholic Party Is All About and I will tell you more in the show

The Dangers Of Being Self Delusional 

Today, I will read an essay by Our Second President and ancestor of mine, John Adams called ‘On Self-Delusion’

It Is 1776 Again!

All Things Looked Bleak Today, The Electoral College Would Give Votes That Was Stolen From The American People To A Fraud and Cheat, Then The State Republicans Began To Hold Their Own Electoral College; Which Is Not Illegal, But Hasn’t Been Done In Over A Hundred Years Or More.

The New Boston Tea Party

What Is The New Boston Tea Party?

Should We Do Another Suffolk Resolves and Setup Another Provincial Congress To Restore The Nation?

What Is The New Intolerable Acts?

Recall The Kansas Governor

In this program I did, and made it known why she needs to be recalled.

It Is Time For The Sons Of Liberty Again!

This is a movie I put together and I hope you enjoy it.

Join The Catholic Party For America To Save The Soul Of Your Nation

Today we speak about the need here in America to be faithful to Jesus Christ and to the Founding Fathers who was loyal to Him and wanted Our Lord to be part of the country and in the government.

What Is Different About Catholic Party For America Than Other Political Parties?

Today, I point out in short ways, how the Catholic Party For America is totally different and how our ideas are totally different than those in Government and of the current Political Parties.

Imminent Implosion Of The American Republic

First Of Two Programs

2nd American Revolution

See the different forms of legal and lawful resistance

A Constitutional Response To The National Crisis  

We talk about Br. Alexis’ amazing letter to the Governors

The Duties Of Patriotism

We refute the errors of Mike Parrot of RTF Media

The Sacrifice Of The Christian Patriots and Christ’s Sacrifice On The Cross Has Gone In Vain

We talk on the Sacrifice Of The Christian Patriots Of The American Revolutionaries and That Of Our Lord’s Sacrifice On The Cross Has Gone In Vain and We See The Mess America Is In and Likewise The Church.

Restoring America The Free

We talk on how to restore this aspect of America.

Restoring America The Brave

1. What Does It Mean To Be Truly Brave?

What Does It Not Mean To Be Brave?

2. What Are Examples Of True Bravery?

What Are Not True Examples Of Bravery?

3. Why America Will Need Even More Now To Turn To Our Heroes In The Past To Inspire New Ones In The Future?

4. America Is Not Done, We As Americans Never Give Up or Surrender, As The Medal Of Honor Winner Mike Murphy Said To Marcus Luttrell, “We Are Never Out Of The Fight.”

The Department Of Education and How America Is In The Mess It Is

I will be just speaking truth and sharing how the Department Of Education is truly the Department Of Propaganda and the Catholic Party For America® will get rid of it and restore Traditional, Go To The Original Source, Pro Christian, Pro American Education.

Restoring America To Her Proper Form Of Government

First, I believe we will lead off on how the Constitution was fraudulently passed and then we will then get into What are the Articles Of Confederation and why this form of government is what the Christian Patriots Fought & Died For and Should Be Restored.

America Needs Her Heroes

In her times of need, people would rise up for her defense, today, it is Catholic Party For America.

In The Days Past Was George Washington and the Continental Army, The Massachusetts Militia Who Defended Her Against The British, Those Who Fell At Bunker Hill, First Lieutenant Nathan Hale who used his skills to spy on the British and paid with his life.

Then it was the numerous Catholic Missionaries and their Martyrs on our shores and one main Priest who was the Apostle Of The Rocky Mountains; Father Pierre-Jean De Smet.

By Rejecting Catholic Politics, We Crucify The Mystical Body Of Christ Again!

In today’s show we speak on The Passion and Death Of Our Lord and how those who reject following Our Lord through the Catholic Party, We Crucify The Mystical Body Of Christ Again.

Then We Speak On Trump Returning To Politics and How The MK ULTRA Project With Trump Grabbed People Again

Red Pilling America

Here is just a post, but it does the job in sharing blunt truth.

We Have Lost The True American Spirit Of Being Rebels In Times Of Tyranny!

Another essay for Catholic Party For America

Catholic Party For America Was Correct!

We give an update on the Political Party, Catholic Party For America and how correct we were in founding it and we go through what is going on today and why we need to restore America’s Christian Government and Way Of Life


News Programs

Meet The New Servant Of God: Akash Bashir

Sorry for how bad it sounded, we did our program exposing the Rothschilds the day before and they did all they could to mess up our recording process.  Meet this great young man and Catholic, puts us to shame on what it means to be a Catholic.

The Left’s Connection To Terrorism

We will dive into why the Left and their buddies always have a connection to terrorism.

Update On Terrorism Around The World

Next week, starting on Monday at 7:40 to 9:40 AM and it will be a weekly thing, we will go through news I am following from India, Middle East, even more on ANTIFA and BLM and give you the listeners an update on all of the Terrorism Related Stories Not Being Covered.

Update On Terrorism Around The World Series: July 1 2020

Top Story From Last Week Tuesday Night

From Capital Research Center: A Terrorist’s Ties To A Leading Black Lives Matter Group

From Gatestone Institute Algeria: Persecution Of Christians Continues Unbroken

From Gatestone Institute “Rarely Reported By The Media Anymore”: The Persecution Of Christians March 2019  

Update On Terrorism Series: July 9th 2020

Catholic Parishes, Our Lady’s statue torched, a white mother killed, then international news.

Different Forms Of Terrorism Happening In The West

We continue our series on Terrorism around the world and we go back to Raymond Ibrahims

Update On Daesh In Africa

So, is Daesh or the Islamic State defeated? The Catholics Of Mozambique say otherwise and they are being beheaded and their churches burned.

Update On Terrorism and Vandalism Around The World

We give you updates on what is going on in France and cemeteries being vandalized

Who Is Hope Not Hate?

An organization we at Ordo Militaris Catholicus knows a lot about and has had a long run in with, we lost a good number of accounts off of Twitter because of this organization and now we have lost our Back Up Channel From Bitchute because of it.

Breaking News Of July 12 2020

The USS BonHomme Richard was set on fire

Update To Story

A 20 Year Old Navy Seal Drop Out Is Charged For The Fire

Major Terror Attacks Around The World

Police Probe Arson Attack At Boston Catholic Churches

Black Lives Matter: “We Will Burn Down This System” Gatestone Institute

China Seeds: A Biological Attack On America?

Turkey On The Warpath

Catastrophe Strikes Beirut, Lebanon 

#BREAKING The General Secretary of #Lebanese Kataeb Party Nazar Najarian died after massive #Beirut explosion.

Nazar Najarian was killed in his office during the explosion and the Armenian District was the heavily damaged area of the city.

Terror In Milan and Around The World

Terror In Milan Cathedral

The Mullahs and Hezbollah, Lords Drug Smuggling

The Reverse-Colonization Of France

Black Man Executes At Point Blank Range Cannon Hinnant, A 5 Year old Child Riding His Bike

Soros Attacks Poland

Soros Attacks Poland 2

Turkey Grants Citizenship To Hamas, Who Are Planning Terrorist Attacks


Who Is Behind The Lebanon Blast and Other Terrorism News

We look into official reports, then see what BLM was doing in America and then back in France

Terrorism In Wisconsin and Around The World

We learn about how Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself and we finally learned his innocence in court

More on BLM and Antifa

Back to Beirut

Terrorism In America and Around The World : September 5th 2020

Terrorism Update In America and Around The World: September 13th 2020

Four Arrested For Arson In Fires In California, Oregon, Washington State

UK Politician Demands Deportation Of Pastor Over Criticism of Gay Marriage

From 2018: The Trump Administration’s New Afghan Problem: The Islamic State

Is China Behind A Recent Insurgent Attack In India’s Northeast?

Islamic State’s India Dilemma

Covid-19 and Terrorism In The Southern Philippines: More Trouble Ahead

The Real Terrorist Organization, Skull and Bones

We will tell you who are the real terrorists, Skull and Bones and their allies in Great Britain.

Terrorism Against Armenia and Around The World

Here we begin to tell you about the 44 Day War in Armenia and Artsakh

Real or Fake Cease Fire Between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

The first news about the “cease” fire and the recent updates, it was a fake cease fire

Call For International Help For The Republics Of Artsakh and Armenia 

ARM Ombudsman documented video/photo evidence of crimes by the AZ AF against ARM POWs. The same terroristic signature was witnessed in April 2016 when ARM SVCMN Sloyan was beheaded & elderly residents were tortured & slaughtered in their houses.
Explicit intent for extermination

Who Is Supplying Arms Against Armenia and Artsakh?

We know from the Asia Times Report, Israel is supplying weapons regularly to Azerbaijan, this includes the suicide drones and cluster munitions, which are banned and are war crimes.

Israel is no one’s friend and it is time to name names and go after them.

Terrorism In Poland

The George Soros paid attackers went around Poland defacing monuments and churches, which is an act of Terrorism in Poland.

Catholic Poland Has Formed A National Guard

I Praise and Thank Robert Bąkiewicz for starting the Polish National Guard and He Must Form A Private Security Company and a Political Party to beat the fake Catholic Ruling Party Of Poland!

Terrorism Hits Nice France and French Embassy

#Nice#France, site of one of the most horrific and vicious acts of #Islamic #terrorism when 86 were run over with a truck, is scene today of another attack in #Catholic Church, woman 70 years old decapitated, 2 others killed, another injured. Perp lives

The Different Forms Of Terrorism Around The World: October 31st 2020

So many things to say, please come and see all the reports.

Persecution Of Christians In The West: November 8th 2020

We have Daesh, Daesh in Africa, Antifa, etc. See all the reports

Armenia and Artsakh Betrayed

See the huge thread by Ordo Militaris Catholicus on who Betrayed them.

Terrorism In The World: November 15 2020

News of the Terrorist acts by Azerbaijan on innocent Christians in Artsakh, then terrorism in Poland, Spain.

Terrorism Around The World and In Our Universities: November 30th 2020

Massacre in extremist-ravaged northeast Nigeria kills at least 110

EU: New Pact on Migration and Asylum

Bribed: Subverting American Universities

Court Validates Child Rape: Persecution of Christians, October 2020

Fined More Than $6,000 Dollars For Praying The Our Father

Br. Alexis Bugnolo was attacked and targeted with a group of people by the Police Of Rome and here is his first English Statements on what happened last night in Rome.  More To Come Later.

Ordo Militaris To Launch A New Social Media Platform

March 7, 2021 — Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas : Ordo Militaris Inc., the Catholic security company from Montana USA is committing to create a Social Media platform free of Globalist censorship and control. The platform will be free and will be funded by investment and donations from users.”

Invest With Cross Azure: Social Media For Human Liberty

In this news program, we share ways of how you can help grow Cross Azure.



Protest Against The San Remo Blasphemes

“we were notified about this protest against the blasphemes of the San Remo Film Festival That Blasphemed Our Lady and Our Lord and so we broadcasted it live globally and also will have it uploaded to Rumble and Odysee.

Also, those who organized the protest, gave us personal interviews as well.”

On French History, Law and Truth About Bastille Day

Please Listen To One Of My Old Interviews I Did On July 14th 2018

Dr. Jane Ruby Live: Interview With Br. Alexis: CATHOLIC CHURCH FALLS TO COMMUNISM

Here Dr. Jane Ruby and Br. Alexis talks about Jorge Bergoglio.

Dr. Jane Ruby Live: Interview With Br. Alexis: Overcoming Psychopaths & Global Tyranny  

Here Dr. Jane Ruby and Br. Alexis talks on the covid tyranny.


Outreach and Fundraiser Programs

Lebanon Needs To Be Saved

We will do an update on what is going on in Lebanon and the riots in Beirut and why Lebanon needs to be an independent Catholic Country.

Aid Appeal For Lebanon

This was our fundraiser to help the Christians in Beirut after that terrorist attack in the Armenian quarter of the city.


We did our part and we made sure the money got to them, but the big “fundraisers” by celebrities or governments did nothing, the Armenian area is still in the dark, barely any internet to get word out.  Learn more about our efforts

A Mission Of Love

Please Listen to my interview from four years ago with Father Jesu Sathianathen, and his mission is the education of the poorest of the poor in Southern India.  Learn more about this fundraiser we did


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Views: 1778