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WATCH and SHARE Please Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Home Show Page, Day One: Vatican Incorporated, Day Two: Tax Fraud Scheme By The Vatican, Day Three: RICO and The Vatican In this program, we will pull back another layer of Karol Wojtyla when he was John Paul II.  His relationship with the Sicilian […]

As we have seen in the last 23 days, Christians in Artsakh have been denied security, the so called Russian Peacekeepers betrayed them and now they have been forcibly displaced into Armenia.  We’ve seen Christians in Nigeria, Niger, and other places in Africa have had seminarians, nuns, priests, bishops kidnapped and murder, same in Mexico. […]

Please WATCH and SHARE Please Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! The Beginning, Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Four, Day Five, Day Six, Day Seven, Day Eight, Day Nine, Day Ten, Day Eleven, Day Twelve, Day Thirteen, Day Fourteen, Day Fifteen, Day Sixteen, Day Seventeen, Day Eighteen, Day Nineteen, Day Twenty, Day Twenty-One, Day Twenty-Two, Day Twenty-Three, Day Twenty-Four, Day […]

PLEASE WATCH & SHARE ALL OUR PROGRAMS ON ARTSAKH BE GENEROUS & DONATE & SPONSOR TO HELP THE FORCIBLY DISPLACED CITIZENS OF ARTSAKH JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! Click Image To Get A Lepanto Flag & All Proceeds Will Go To Help The […]

PLEASE WATCH & SHARE ALL OUR PROGRAMS ON ARTSAKH BE GENEROUS & DONATE & SPONSOR TO HELP THE FORCIBLY DISPLACED CITIZENS OF ARTSAKH JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! Click To Donate Via Buy Me A Coffee Click Image To Get A Lepanto Flag […]

PLEASE WATCH & SHARE ALL OUR PROGRAMS ON ARTSAKH BE GENEROUS & DONATE & SPONSOR TO HELP THE FORCIBLY DISPLACED CITIZENS OF ARTSAKH JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! Click To Donate Via Buy Me A Coffee Click Image To Get A Lepanto Flag […]

PLEASE WATCH & SHARE ALL OUR PROGRAMS ON ARTSAKH BE GENEROUS & DONATE & SPONSOR TO HELP THE FORCIBLY DISPLACED CITIZENS OF ARTSAKH JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! Click To Donate Via Buy Me A Coffee Click Image To Get A Lepanto Flag […]

PLEASE WATCH & SHARE ALL OUR PROGRAMS ON ARTSAKH BE GENEROUS & DONATE & SPONSOR TO HELP THE FORCIBLY DISPLACED CITIZENS OF ARTSAKH JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! Click To Donate Via Buy Me A Coffee Click Image To Get A Lepanto Flag […]

PLEASE WATCH & SHARE ALL OUR PROGRAMS ON ARTSAKH BE GENEROUS & DONATE & SPONSOR TO HELP THE FORCIBLY DISPLACED CITIZENS OF ARTSAKH JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! Click To Donate Via Buy Me A Coffee Click Image To Get A Lepanto Flag […]

PLEASE WATCH & SHARE ALL OUR PROGRAMS ON ARTSAKH BE GENEROUS & DONATE & SPONSOR TO HELP THE FORCIBLY DISPLACED CITIZENS OF ARTSAKH JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! Click To Donate Via Buy Me A Coffee The Beginning, Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Four, Day […]