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Folks on Twitter wanted a second show on our What Did Trump Mean By MAGA?       Then someone from Ireland contacted us on it, which got us really investigating because he told us about the play of Macbeth and how the Witches used the word “again”.  Yeah, we will tell you all what […]

We were asked to do more Saint Hildegard Von Bingen, I agree, we need to learn from our German Doctor Of The Church. I believe in this vision we will be covering, the first part sounds more like after the fall, then later she sees the battle of God and the Holy Angels against Lucifer […]

    Today, we will talk about why certain countries are dropping restrictions but others have them still in place.  Also, why the big stores are still keeping them in place. Then, we get onto telling you of the next installment that is happening, called The Great Narrative, where we actually see it right now […]

    Language History Of MAGA: It Is Spanish For Female Witch Read President Teddy Roosevelt’s Speech The People Who Used MAGA First Alexander Wiley Barry Goldwater Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton CIA Drugs and Arkansas Christine O’Donnell Donald Trump Trademark Information The Company Who Filed It The Lawyer Who Filed It For Trump   Watch […]

  Please Listen to my interview from four years ago with Father Jesu Sathianathen, and his mission is the education of the poorest of the poor in Southern India. Due to the closing of the State run Nehru Memorial Middle School, at Muthukulam, Navalurkottapattu, Father Jesu saw it as his obligation in Christ to come to […]

    In this diary of St. John Of Kronstadt we will read and discuss it with Br. Alexis’ Commentary. An Amazing Autobiography About St. John Of Kronstadt $14.00 Click The Photo Of The Book Cover To Get A Hard Cover Copy $49.00 Or Click This Photo To Get A Soft Cover Version $40.00 Or, […]

After a long delay and watching what is happening, we are back to give a report and how correct we were in founding Catholic Party For America.

In This Program, we go into history and look at everything going and why those World Leaders turned Dictators are saying the exact same thing as Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.       Exposed Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders Society Of Saint Pius X Otto von Habsburg Corbett Report […]

Most Of The Bishops and Priests Of The Catholic and Orthodox Churches Are Showing Their True Colors and Who They Serve, The Antichrist.  Today, we talk about it on Ordo Militaris Radio TV       Watch The Programs Of St. Hildegard Von Bingen On The Antichrist Read The Holy and Righteous John of Kronstadt […]

In a change up, we did a program discussing what we can look ahead to in this new year and look back on everything     This book, 990 Pages, Hard Cover, $59.00 Is A Must Image comes from Pixabay  Click To Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV Views: 105124