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Watch On YouTube Watch On Odysee   Watch On Rumble We will tell the life story of my forgotten relative and lay flowers at her tomb. Duchess Karolina Lanckoronska How she found our uncle’s tomb, King Boleslaw II; the king who gave Poland their first Saint and Martyr, Bishop Saint Stanislaus   Photos Taken At […]

To Invest, Go Here: Ordo Militaris Inc. Offers 1 Million Shares For Sale   Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee   Watch On YouTube Views: 2892

  Watch On Rumble Watch On YouTube Watch Odysee Views: 1446

Br. Alexis Bugnolo was attacked and targeted with a group of people by the Police Of Rome and here is his first English Statements on what happened last night in Rome.  More To Come Later. Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Watch On YouTube Views: 333

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Support The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Support Our Immediate Need For Equipment Support Our Server Upgrade  Watch The Original   Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee     I will read from John Quincy Adams’ Diary While America was still free and under the Articles Of Confederations, the States were in […]

In today’s show we speak on The Passion and Death Of Our Lord and how those who reject following Our Lord through the Catholic Party, We Crucify The Mystical Body Of Christ Again. Then We Speak On Trump Returning To Politics and How The MK ULTRA Project With Trump Grabbed People Again The Vaccine Passport […]

Just A Quick Video Letting You Know That You Can Support Us By Electronic Payment Again With us getting that huge interview yesterday at the San Remo Protest, I was thinking we will also put forward the financial support to travel for our co-host and on the ground reporter in Rome. Plus continual equipment updates […]

Today we were notified about this protest against the blasphemes of the San Remo Film Festival That Blasphemed Our Lady and Our Lord and so we broadcasted it live globally and also will have it uploaded to Rumble and Odysee. Also, those who organized the protest, gave us personal interviews as well. Watch On Rumble […]

Brother Alexis Misspoke when saying it was 2019 for the Martyrdom Of Colonel Beltrame YouTube Rumble Watch On Odysee Join Ordo Militaris Catholicus Today! From The Description Of The First Memorial Video On Lt. Colonel Betrame: “According to Regina Magazine Facebook page: “Lt Col Beltrame offered himself in exchange for a hostage held by a […]

Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV From just the beginning of gathering information, it too is connected to the murder of Roberto Calvi, same people involved and as we know from the mobster who came forward in 2012, a lot of this is still unknown because of how high it goes in the Italian Government and […]